Test & Services
Couples Testing & Relationship Coaching Programs
Testing and Coaching Programs  
For coaching regarding relationship issues, contact us for an appointment at 866-508-2224. 
The Inwald Couples Evaluation Program (ICEP)  
The ICEP is an online evaluation program for couples that will identify the key features of relationship problems and point the way toward their resolution. The tests included in this battery were developed by Dr. Robin Inwald, an internationally-known psychological test developer and the author of the Inwald Personality Inventory (IPI - now owned by OPP Limited). Dr. Inwald's tests currently are used by psychologists, mental health professionals and organizations worldwide. Click on the photo for detailed test descriptions and scale names. 
This web site provides only a brief description of Creative Arts & Coaching Institute and its programs. To receive additional information, call 917-757-9063 or 866-508-2224.
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