Books & Music
ABC's for Inner Strength & Trauma Recovery-

For a free download of "A -D" excerpts, click below.

Paperback ($7.95) ISBN 1-885783-18-8

This book was written for people who are recovering from illnesses, injuries, and/or emotionally traumatizing events. Mental health professionals also can use this book as an aid in the treatment of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorders (PTSD).

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ABC's for Success in Business

How to 'Have it All' and Keep Your Sanity: ABC's for Success in Business, Management, and Life

Paperback ($12.95) - ISBN 1-8857838-17-X

In How to 'Have it All' and Keep Your Sanity, Dr. Inwald combines personal experience with well-researched management principles to provide an easy-to-follow guide for success in the workplace. Some of her ABC's for success in business, management, and life include "M" - Motivate Others to Help You, "N" - Negotiate for 'Win-Win' Solutions, and "O" - One Step at a Time. Click here for excerpts.

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Cap it Off With A Smile - A Guide for Making and Keeping Friends

Illustrated Children's Book

Hardcover ($16.95) - ISBN 1-885738-00-5 - Softcover ($9.95) ISBN 1-885738-01-3. Call 800-926-2258 to order.

Children of all ages want to have friends, but many are unsure about how to make them. This story begins with a common childhood scene: a time when making friends seems like an impossible task. Using the acronym, CAPS, with the letters C for "Compliment", A for "Ask" questions, P for be "Positive", and S for "Smile", a lovable CAP character tells children the secret of how to make friends. As each letter is introduced, examples of how to act with others are illustrated and described.

Original Music by Robin Inwald

Visit Robin's music website at:

As well as being an award-winning psychologist, Robin Inwald is a singer/songwriter. Click on "Free Download" below to view the lyrics of one of her songs or visit to hear sound clips from her 3 CDs, "Electricity", "A River's Story", and "Love's Boundaries."

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