Test & Services
The Inwald Couples Evaluation Program (ICEP)
1. Inwald Couples Compatibility Questionnaire (ICCQ) – Each person in the couple will answer questions about the other in order to reveal areas of concern with regard to compatibility. These include family, financial and social issues as well as habits and lifestyle questions that are relevant for identifying potential areas of conflict and/or incompatibility.

2. Inwald Partners Personality Inventory (IPPI) – Each person in the couple will answer questions about the other with regard to "fatal flaws" in the relationship. Concerns about the other person's temper control, impulsive responses to stress or conflict, alcohol/drug use and/or antisocial behavior patterns may be revealed.

3. Inwald Attitude Survey (IAS) - The person completing this survey will answer questions about him/herself in order to identify areas of concern such as poor temper/impulse control, substance abuse tendencies and other adjustment difficulties that can negatively affect relationships.

4. Inwald Personality Survey (IPS) - This is a self-report questionnaire where each person in the relationship will answer questions concerning his/her own communication style, social skills, drive and overall self confidence. Areas for improvement that can affect relationships will be discussed in the report.

Inwald Couples Compatibility Questionnaire (ICCQ)
Scale Descriptions:


Interests Compatibility - CI Identifies compatibility in the area of common interests such as hobbies, shared activities, time spent together, daily routines, and friends. Elevated scores indicate that, as far as the person answering the questionnaire is concerned, there is compatibility in this area.

Affection/Physical Compatibility - AF Identifies the level of physical attraction the person answering this questionnaire feels towards his/her mate. High scores also measure the level of satisfaction with affection received from the other person. Low scores suggest that there may not be as much affection and/or physical attraction in the relationship as the person answering the questionnaire would like.

Background Compatibility - BC Identifies cultural, political, religious and age similarities for this couple. High scores suggest that both people in this relationship come from similar backgrounds and age groups. Low scores suggest potential difficulties in the relationship based on different cultural, religious, and/or political backgrounds.

Financial / Functional Compatibility - FD Identifies areas of conflict regarding financial matters, including concerns that the other person in the relationship has had financial difficulties and/or career problems that have caused difficulties for the couple.


Social Network Compatibility - SN Identifies the compatibility of this couple with regard to each member's friends and social network. Low scores suggest that there are serious concerns about the other person's friends and/or the amount of time spent socializing with them.

Family Compatibility - FA Identifies the compatibility of this couple with regard to family members. Low scores suggest that there are problems getting along with certain relatives and/or concerns about this relationship by relatives that may be a source of conflict for this couple.


Habits/Issues Compatibility - HA Designed to measure concerns about the other person's habits, such as use of alcohol, drugs, personal care, and overeating. Low scores suggest that some habitual behaviors of this nature may be causing friction in the relationship.

Respectful Treatment - RE Scale results indicate whether or not the person answering this questionnaire believes that his/her mate is respectful and sensitive. High scores suggest that there are concerns about the way he/she is treated by the other person.

Lack of Over-Controlling Behavior - CB Identifies the presence of over-controlling behavior on the part of the other person. Low scores suggest problems in the relationship due to the other person's overly critical, moody, or assertive nature.

Lack of Jealousy - JE Documents a pattern of jealous behavior on the part of the other person. A low score on this scale indicates that jealous behavior is causing some discomfort for the person answering this questionnaire.

Temper Control - TE Measures concerns about the other person's ability to control his/her temper. Low scores indicate that the other person may tend to overreact, may lose his/her temper, and may be unpleasant and complaining when there are conflicts in the relationship.

Interpersonal Assertiveness - IA Documents the respondent's concerns regarding the other person's level of assertiveness. Low scores suggest that the respondent believes his/her partner lacks assertiveness and may let others take advantage of situations.

Bottom Line Summary - BL Identifies doubts or insecurities about the relationship. Serious differences about the level of commitment or staying together may be expressed. Low scores suggest that the person answering the questionnaire is unsure about the other person and the possibility of a future together.

Compatibility Quotient - CQ The Compatibility Quotient is the total score that indicates overall compatibility in the relationship. High scores suggest high compatibility in most areas for this couple.

Inwald Partners Personality Inventory (IPPI)
Scale Descriptions:

Avoidance of Criticism (AV) A high score on this scale indicates that the test-taker believes his/her partner often is not candid about feelings and behaviors. He/she feels that this partner has limited insight and judgment about personal shortcomings. Individuals with high scores feel their partners may tend to give "socially acceptable" responses to questions.

Alcohol Use Patterns (AU) High scores suggest that the test-taker believes his/her partner has been a habitual user of alcohol.

Drug Use Patterns (DU) A positive score indicates that the test-taker believes his/her partner has some admitted use of drugs. A high score indicates the partner may be a habitual drug user.

Legal Problems (LP) A high score on this scale indicates the test-taker believes his/her partner has had a history of brushes with the law and/or with societal norms. This may include arrests and/or convictions.

Employment Problems (EP) A high score on this scale indicates the test-taker believes his/her partner has had difficulties holding a job. The partner may have had a spotty employment record and may have a history of interpersonal difficulties at work.

Reliability (RL) A high score here indicates that the test-taker believes his/her partner has a tendency to contract minor illnesses that may keep the partner from working. The partner also may have difficulty meeting job responsibilities and may have a history of abusing sick leave privileges at work.

Critical Items (CI)

Overall Score (OV)

Inwald Attitude Survey (IAS)

Scale Descriptions

Self-Awareness Difficulties (SD) Measures the degree to which the individual has been honest or candid about his/her feelings and behaviors. High scores suggest a denial of minor shortcomings in an effort to appear unusually virtuous and without fault. Elevated scores on this scale also may indicate that other tests scores may be deflated due to socially-desirable responses.

Frustration Tendencies (FT) Identifies individuals with impulsive behavior patterns and low frustration tolerance. High scores indicate patterns of impulsive, restless behavior. High scorers on this scale may be outspoken and/or impatient with others. Elevated scores also may identify those who express hostility and anger more frequently than others who face similar situations.

Paranoid/Suspicious Tendencies (PT) High scorers may tend to distance themselves from others and may show distrust regarding the behavior of co-workers. These individuals may be more content in positions that do not require extensive teamwork.

Problems on the Job (PJ) High scorers on this scale may tend to have job adjustment difficulties and/or difficulties holding jobs. Elevated scorers may have a history of being disciplined for counterproductive behavior.

Negative Attitudes (NA) Elevated scores on this scale suggest antisocial attitudes. High scorers may have more relaxed attitudes towards theft when compared with others. These individuals may feel that taking risks, or bending the rules in order to "beat the system", is justified.

Lack of Integrity (LI) Elevated scores on this scale suggest a history of brushes with the law and societal norms, especially with regard to theft from employees and/or other parties. These individual's backgrounds may include incidents where personal integrity has been questioned. If a high scorer on this scale is being considered for a position of responsibility, a very careful background investigation is recommended.

Lack of Reliability (LR) A combination of all IAS scales measuring overall conscientiousness/reliability.

Inwald Personality Survey (IPS)


Admission of Faults (AF) Measures degree of defensive responding on this survey. Low scores suggest a desire to appear unusually virtuous and without fault. Low scores on this scale indicate that the other test scores may be inflated due to "socially desirable" responses.

Empathy/Helping Others (EM) Individuals with high scores on this scale may be well-suited for jobs that require counseling and coaching of others. Such individuals enjoy making suggestions and giving people advice regarding their problems and/or goals.

Academic Interest/New Skills Development (AI) Measures achievement in past jobs and school. High scores suggest excellence in academic/work history as well as past recognition for special skills and/or talents. General level of academic ability may be reflected in this scale.


"Out-going" Personality (OG) Measures tendency to be "outgoing" and talkative. High scores suggest an extroverted, "outer directed" individual.

Popularity with Peers (PP) Measures degree of "popularity" this person has enjoyed in the past. High scores suggest a charismatic individual who is well liked by others and may have been frequently chosen as a leader or spokesperson.

Social Approval Concerns (SC) Measures degree of sensitivity regarding social approval. High scorers are particularly aware of how their behavior is being judged by others and strive to gain other peoples' approval. High scorers may become upset when they feel they have said the "wrong thing" or hurt someone else's feelings.

Self-Belief (SB) Measures self confidence and general sense of mastery over obstacles in the world. High scorers are sure of themselves and feel they can do most things well.


Effort towards Responsibilities (EF) Measures the tendency to "go the extra mile" and strive for completion of tasks and excellence. High scorers may tend to work harder than their peers and may demonstrate qualities of "workaholism." They may also show the ability to focus or concentrate on tasks for long periods of time.

Timeliness about Responsibilities (TR) Measures the tendency to avoid procrastination. High scorers tend to complete work on time, to organize work when it is assigned, and to meet responsibilities in a timely fashion. Low scorers may complete their work on or close to schedule, but they tend to put it off until the last minute.

Sensitivity about Responsibilities (SR) Measures level of concern regarding completing assigned tasks in a correct and/or timely manner. Anxiety over incomplete or unsatisfactory work is common for high scorers, who try to meet responsibilities so that they will not feel guilty or pressured.

Adaptability Quotient (AQ) Total Score Measures overall potential for "success" in the workplace. Raw scores over 70 suggest talent in specific areas and good potential for acceptable performance in an appropriate career. Raw scores over 90 indicate exceptional qualities, presence of some entrepreneurial characteristics, and potential for excellent performance in the workplace. Scores over 110 suggest entrepreneurial interests and a preference for working either independently or with minimal supervision.

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