
New Couples Compatibility Testing Available On Line

Interests/Background Compatibility (IB = CI + AF + BC + FD)

Interests Compatibility – CI Identifies compatibility in the area of common interests such as hobbies, shared activities, time spent together, daily routines, and friends. Elevated scores indicate that, as far as the person answering the questionnaire is concerned, there is compatibility in this area.

Affection/Physical Compatibility – AF Identifies the level of physical attraction the person answering this questionnaire feels towards his/her mate. High scores also measure the level of satisfaction with affection received from the other person. Low scores suggest that there may not be as much affection and/or physical attraction in the relationship as the person answering the questionnaire would like.

Background Compatibility – BC Identifies cultural, political, religious and age similarities for this couple. High scores suggest that both people in this relationship come from similar backgrounds and age groups. Low scores suggest potential difficulties in the relationship based on different cultural, religious, and/or political backgrounds.

Financial / Functional Compatibility- FD Identifies adolescents who are having academic and/or behavioral difficulties in the school environment. Elevated scores may indicate poor academic achievement, truancy, or behavioral problems.

Social / Family Compatibility (SF= SN + FA)

Social Network Compatibility – SN Identifies the compatibility of this couple with regard to each other's friends and social network. Low scores suggest that there are serious concerns about the other person's friends and/or the amount of time spent socializing with them.

Family Compatibility – FA Identifies the compatibility of this couple with regard to family members. Low scores suggest that there are problems getting along with certain relatives and/or concerns about this relationship by relatives that may be a source of conflict for this couple.

Relationship Compatibility (RC=HA +RE +CB+JE+ TE+IA)

Habits / Issues Compatibility – HA Designed to measure concerns about the other person's habits, such as the use of alcohol, drugs, personal care and overeating. Low scores suggest that some habitual behaviors of this nature may be causing friction in the relationship.

Respectful Treatment – RE Scale results indicate whether or not the person answering this questionnaire believes that his/her mate is respectful and sensitive. High scores suggest that there are concerns about the way he/she is treated by the other person.

Lack of Over-Controlling Behavior - (CB) Identifies the presence of over controlling behavior on the part of the other person. Low scores suggest problems in the relationship due to the other person's overly critical, moody, or assertive nature.

Lack of Jealousy – JE Documents a pattern of jealous behavior on the part of the other person. A low score on this scale indicates that jealous behavior is causing some discomfort for the person answering this questionnaire.

Temper Control- TE Identifies individuals who have social/sexual adjustment difficulties. High scorers may have had sexual experience as well as confusion with regard to sexual matters, may have difficulties with the opposite sex, or show indications of sexual abuse.

Interpersonal Assertiveness – IA Documents the respondent's concerns regarding the other person's level of assertiveness. Low scores suggest that the respondent believes his/her partner lacks assertiveness and may let others take advantage of situations.

Bottom Line Summary - (BL)

The BL identifies doubts or insecurities about the relationship. Serious differences about the level of commitment or staying together may be expressed. Low scores suggest that the person answering the questionnaire is unsure about the other person and the future together.

Compatibility Quotient (CQ)

The Compatibility Quotient is the total score that indicates overall compatibility in the relationship. Low scores suggest high compatibility in most areas for this couple.

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